src colege iqac

            To institutionalize and ensure quality culture in the institution
            To enhance the academic and administrative performance of the institution by developing a conscious and consistent quality system
            To promote measures to internalize quality and institutionalize best practices

  • Ensuring efficient and progressive performance of academic and administrative tasks
  • Sustaining relevant and quality academic and research programmes
  • Providing equitable and affordable access to academic programmes for various sections of the society
  • Optimizing and integrating modern methods of teaching and learning
  • Strengthening the credibility of assessment and evaluation process
  • Ensuring the adequacy, maintenance and proper allocation of support structure and services


  • Facilitates the creation of learner-centric environment conducive to quality education
  • To equip faculty to adopt technology for participatory teaching and learning process
  • Collection and analysis of feedback from all stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes
  • Organization of inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles
  • Documentation of the various programmes and activities leading to quality improvement
  • Periodical conduct of Academic and Administrative Audit and its follow-up
  • Preparation and submission of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) ad per guidelines and parameters of NAAC


  • Enhances quality consciousness and continuous improvement
  • Integrates various activities of the institution
  • Encourages and institutionalizes healthy practices


  • Preparation of AQAR
  • Conducting Internal Academic & Administrative Audit
  • Conducting  External Academic & Administrative Audit
  • Publishing newsletters
  • Collecting Feedback from faculty, employer, stakeholders, alumnae
  • Organising Alumnae meet
  • Conducting Parent-teacher meet
  • Orienting towards Research, Publications and Collaborations
  • Organizing Faculty Enrichment Programmes
  • Appearing for NIRF
  • Uploading DCS of AISCHE
  • Involving actively in Swatchh Bharath activities including Swachtha ranking
  • Enrolling the faculty and students in NDL
  • Initiating the development of e-resources

Composition of IQAC

  • Dr. M. Vasuki, Principal
Coordinator of IQAC
  • Dr. S. Kala, Associate Professor of Botany

Management Member

  • Mr. M. Muthusami, Secretary

Member-Industry Representative

  • Mr. S. Krishna Murthy, Managing Director, Srinivasa Enterprises, Trichy


  • Dr. J. Senthamarai, Associate Professor of Hindi
  • Dr. S. Usha, Associate Professor of Sanskrit
  • Dr. M.V. Alli, Associate Professor of Nutrition & Dietetics
  • Dr. R. Vidhya, Associate Professor of English
  • Dr. A.S. Maheswari, Assistant Professor / Senr., Department of Zoology
  • Dr. S. Krithika, Assistant Professor / Senr ., Department of Mathematics
  • Dr. S. Geetha, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
  • Ms. V. Anuradha, Lecturer, Department of Electronics

Administrative Representative

  • Mr. R. Ganesh, Manager Admin

Finance Representative

  • Mr. M. Muthusami, Secretary

Local Society Nominee

  • Mrs. Bhargavi Raja, Managing Director, MPR Food Products, Trichy

Nominee from Alumni

  • Ms. Alli Rani Balaji, President, Yuga Womens' Organisation

Student Representatives

  • Chair Person, Students’ Union & Office bearers


AQAR 2022-2023 AQAR 2021-2022 AQAR 2020-2021 AQAR 2019-2020 AQAR 2018-2019 AQAR 2017-2018 AQAR 2016-2017 AQAR 2015-2016 AQAR 2014-2015 AQAR 2013-2014

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IQAC - NEWSLETTER 2022 - 2023 IQAC - NEWSLETTER 2021 - 2022 IQAC - NEWSLETTER 2020 - 2021 IQAC - NEWSLETTER 2019 - 2020 IQAC - NEWSLETTER 2018 - 2019 IQAC - NEWSLETTER 2017 - 2018 IQAC - NEWSLETTER 2016 - 2017 IQAC - NEWSLETTER 2015 - 2016

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IQAC Minutes 2022-2023 IQAC Minutes 2021-2022 IQAC Minutes 2020-2021 IQAC Minutes 2019-2020 IQAC Minutes 2018-2019 IQAC Minutes 2017-2018 IQAC Minutes 2016-2017 IQAC Minutes 2015-2016 IQAC Minutes 2014-2015 IQAC Minutes 2013-2014

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Best Practices 2021-2022 Institutional Distinctiveness 2021-2022 Best Practices 2020-2021 Institutional Distinctiveness 2020-2021 Best Practices 2019-2020 Institutional Distinctiveness 2019-2020 Best Practices 2018-2019 Institutional Distinctiveness 2018-2019

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Best Practices 2022-2023 Institutional Distinctiveness 2022-2023

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Student Satisfactory Survey 2022 - 2023 Student Satisfactory Survey 2019 - 2020 Student Satisfactory Survey 2018 - 2019

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