Youth Forum Study Circle serves as a platform for student aspirants who prepare for various competitive examinations. Every year around 60 students get enrolled as members of this club. Eminent scholars and resource persons from various fields are invited to share their expertise.
- To provide awareness to the students about the various types of jobs offered both in the Central and State Government
- To help the students to choose the area where they are interested
- To develop competitive skills through various types of objective tests
- To train them by conducting aptitude test based on verbal and quantitative skills
- To enhance their ability to speak in English and face an interview
Dr.M. Venkateshwari, Assistant Professor, Department of English
Dr. S. Saranya, Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry
Dr. K. Kamatchi, Assistant Professor, Department of Tamil (Self-Financed Section)
- Dr. V. Sri Ramachandran, Deputy Controller of Examinations, Public Relations Officer, Associate Professor of English, National College, Tiruchirappalli was the resource person on 06.02.2024. He spoke on the topic “Speak the Language of Success (Connect, Communicate, Conquer)”
- Mr. Ramamoorthy, Director, Viswa IAS Academy, Tiruchirappalli was the resource person on 18.12.2023. He spoke on the topic “Aspire, Acquire, Achieve (An Orientation on TNPSC Group IV – 2024)”
- Dr. V. Srividhya, Associate Professor of English, National College, Trichy spoke on the topic “Strategies to Nail the Interview” on 21.09.2023
- Ms. Padmavathi Chandramouli, Regional Officer, DAAD Information Point, German Academics Exchange Service spoke on the topic “Career Prospects in Germany” on 14.09.2023
- Dr. M. Mahendran, Director, Training (Placement and Corporate Relations) St. Joseph’s College, Trichy spoke on the topic “Pursuing Excellence in Academic Journey” on 28.08.2023
- Mr. P. Balashankar, Founder, Director, JOTHI IAS Academy spoke on the topic “Study Strategies to Crack Competitive Examinations” on 27.02.2023
- Mr. Mohamed Siddique, Founder & Director, NIMIR Academy, Chinthamani, Trichy spoke on the topic “Preparation Strategies for Competitive Examinations – 2023” on 24.01.2023
- Dr. M. Mahendran, Director – Training, Placement and Corporate Relations, St. Joseph’s College, (Autonomous) Tiruchirappalli spoke on the topic “Career Avenues for Arts and Science Students” on 19.09.2022
- Mr. Vignesh Srinivasan, Director Mockat, NTU, Singapore, IIM Lucknow and Mr. Rajganesh spoke on the topic “Career Advancement Programme” on 24.08.2022
- Mr. Ramamoorthy, Director, Viswa IAS Academy, Tiruchirappalli spoke on the topic “Strategize and Succeed” on 16.03.2022
- Youth Forum Study Circle organised a meeting on the topic “Opportunities and Recent Changes in Competitive Examinations 2022” on 25.03.2022
- Mr. P. Balashankar, Founder, Director, JOTHI IAS Academy spoke on the topic “Study Strategies to Crack Competitive Examinations” on 27.02.2023
- Mr. Mohamed Siddique, Founder & Director, NIMIR Academy, Chinthamani, Trichy spoke on the topic “Preparation Strategies for Competitive Examinations – 2023” on 24.01.2023
- Dr. M. Mahendran, Director – Training, Placement and Corporate Relations, St. Joseph’s College, (Autonomous) Tiruchirappalli spoke on the topic “Career Avenues for Arts and Science Students” on 19.09.2022
- Mr. Vignesh Srinivasan, Director Mockat, NTU, Singapore, IIM Lucknow and Mr. Rajganesh spoke on the topic “Career Advancement Programme” on 24.08.2022
- Mr. Ramamoorthy, Director, Viswa IAS Academy, Tiruchirappalli spoke on the topic “Strategize and Succeed” on 16.03.2022
- Mr. Sathish Kumar, Aptitude Trainer, Erode conducted a lecture session on “What next” on 04.03.2021
- YouthForum Study Circle organised a meeting on the topic “Opportunities and Recent Changes in Competitive Examinations 2022”. Mr. P.Balashankar, Director, Jothi IAS Academy, Tiruchirappalli was the resource person
- Youth Forum Study Circle activities began with the inaugural function on 05.09.2019. Ms. N. S. Nisha, IPS, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Tiruchirappalli - Law and Order was the resource person
- An awareness programme on “An Insight to the Legal Provisions of Women” was organized on 25.01.2020. Ms. K. Gowri. M.A., M.L., (Ph.D.), Assistant Professor, Government Law College, Tiruchirappalli was the resource person
- A meeting on “Perfecting Soft Skills for Career Development” was conducted on 07.02.2020. Dr.V.L.Jayapaul, Assistant Professor of English, St. Joseph’s College, Tiruchirappalli was the speaker
- Youth Forum Study Circle activities began with the inaugural function. Mr. A.P.Shivakumar, District Library Officer, Tiruchirappalli was the speaker
- A Career Guidance programme was conducted on 23.01.2019. Mr.Ramamoorthi, Viswa IAS Academy, Tiruchirappalli was the speaker
- Ms. Cheryl Antonette Dumenil, Assistant Professor in English, Holy Cross College, Tiruchirappalli lectured on “The Why and How of Proper Communication” on 31.01.2019
- Dr. Prasanna Balaji, Director and Head, Research Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, National College, Trichy delivered a motivational speech on Living Skills
- A gender sensitization programme was organized on 20.12. 2017. Ms.Allirani Balaji, President of YUGAA - An All Women Social Organisation, Tiruchirappalli was the chief guest
- The students were given training for TNPSC group IV examinations in tie-up with Viswa Academy and Pace Academy, Trichy from 10.01.2018 to 15.02.2018
- The members of the Youth Forum Study Circle participated in the WALKATHON organized by the District Collectorate in association with the District Social Welfare Department on 20.01.2018
- A career development programme was organised on 31.08.16. Dr.Annie Vijaya Suprendendant of Police, Railways, Tiruchirapalli, addressed the students
- The students were given training for TNPSC group IV examinations in tie up with Viswa Academy and Pace Academy, Trichy from 20.09.2016 to 05.10.2016
- On 07.02.2017, Ms. S. Shanthi, Chief Educational Officer, Tiruchirappalli District gave a motivational speech on Youth Development
- Online Registration is done within the Campus
SSC (225)
VAO (59)
Group II (60) - 7 alumnae were posted as Child Development Officers in different Zones of Tamil Nadu out of 30 trained in two phases
- 150 Postgraduates were trained to write the Group II Examinations