Grievance Redressal Committee

Bringing Information to the Citizens

The Grievance Redressal Committee addresses the complaints lodged by every student and takes necessary steps to redress the students' grievances after a fair enquiry. The members of the committee advise students to approach them for consultation in case of any grievance and arrange meetings and conduct enquiries. The members also look into the complaints that are received through mails and dropped in the suggestion box.


  • To ensure a healthy, happy and harmonious learning ambience for the student community
  • To sustain a safe and secure environment in the academic institution


  • To uphold the dignity of every student and the dignity of the academic institution
  • To promote an amicable relationship amongst the students of the institution
  • To ensure that the students related matters are attended and rectified immediately


Students could either mail their grievance to the mail id - or submit their grievances in writing to any member of the Committee. If any student does not want to reveal her identity she is allowed to write anonymous letters of complaint and drop them in the letter box placed near the administrative block. The members of the committee will attend to the complaints submitted after analysing the nature of the complaint. The members of the committee are approachable at all times.


Physical Directress/Associate Professor,
Seethalakshmi Ramaswami College,

Dr. R.Sridevi Karumari,
Associate Professor,
Department of Economics,
Seethalakshmi Ramaswami College,

Student Representatives

Ms.E. Porkodi, II M.A. English
Ms.T. Pavithra, III B.Sc. Mathematics

Contact Number: 0431 2704855