EXNORA International is a non-governmental environmental service organization started in 1997 in Seethalakshmi Ramaswami College, Tiruchirappalli
- To create a clean environment and protect a green environment
- To preserve nature
- To prevent environmental degradation
- To create awareness of the polluted environment
- To give importance to plantation and forestry
- To conduct programmes on solid waste management, vermicompost production and waste paper recycling
- Our College received “Youth Exnora 25th year Special Award 2021” Gem of students’ Exnora Institution for long time service on 26.02.2021.
- Enviro Crusader Award (2016) was received by the Co-ordinators Dr. T.Radhamani, Associate Professor, Department of Botany and Ms.R.Sakthi, Associate Professor, Department of N&D
- Students’ Exnora collaborated with NSS conducted extension programme for voter ID and Aadhar card correction on 31.01.2024.
- Students’ Exnora received ‘Best environ supporter/ humanitarian award 2023’ on 10.01.2024.
- Students’ ExNoRa of Seethalakshmi Ramaswami College organized an Environment awareness programme on the topic “Empower the students” on 17.10. 2023. Exn. Mr. P. Mohan, Youth ExNoRa International – TN/ University / Trichy, Child Welfare Committee (CWC), Trichy District (1st Class Magistrate) gave a wonderful speech and encouraging students to analyze real – life environmental issues and devise creative solutions.
- Students’ ExNoRa of Seethalakshmi Ramaswami College organized extension program on 27.09.2023. Around 50 plant saplings were distributed to the Dolphin special school Children and teachers for the sustainable development of the environment.
- Slogan writing competition was organized by Students' ExNoRa on 21.09.2023. There are 25 students are actively participated and they have tried to spread awareness through their work and have encouraged the other students to create the best environment for the respective people and contributed to make a change in the society. The certificates were distributed to the prize winners.
- Awareness program for the ozone layer depletion, In this regard, International Day for the preservation of the Ozone Layer 2023 by organizing an awareness cycle rally on 16.09.2023.
- The Students’ ExNoRa of Seethalakshmi Ramaswami College Celebrated World Ozone Day on 16.09.2023, with an array of activities aimed at promoting awareness about ozone protection and biodiversity conservation
- ‘No vehicle Day’ was observed by Students’ Exnora on 13.09.2023. Students and faculty are not to come to the college by vehicle on that day. By practicing we can bring down our fuel consumption and save some bucks. This will help us to reduce the air pollution, keep us active, healthy and boost our economy
- Students’ ExNoRa organized Cleanliness Programme on 21.09.2023. The main purpose of this program was to create awareness among the students regarding cleanliness and its benefits. Under this program, all the students of ExNoRa had participated. Even teachers were the essential part of this drive. As a part of this Cleanliness Drive, we had cleaned the Malakkottai temple, Thayumanavar sannathi
- International youth day was celebrated by the students’ ExNoRa on 12.08.2023. The ExNoRa student gave an awareness speech on “Today’s youth is the backbone of the society”. Her speech revealed that students should not spend more time on mobile phones and they should know how to respect their elders, parents, etc.
- In Trichy, the district collector approached the Green Tamil Nadu Mission (GTM), which is aimed at achieving 260 crores of indigenous species over an area of 12,000 square km in 10 years, in an organised way by planning to plant one crore seedlings within two years in Trichy district. In this connection, Students’ Exnora of Seethalakshmi Ramaswami College actively participated in cultivation of one crore trees extension program on 11.08.2023 at senamangalam. Successfully completed of this programme, the students will be able to promote plantation of saplings and encourage the public to afforestation and plantation of sapling
- Students’ Exnora of Seethalakshmi Ramaswami College and Department of Botany & Zoology in collaboration with Global Nature foundation organised an environmental Awareness programme on “Integrated farm Management for sustainable Agriculture” on 15.09.2022. Dr. Naveen Krishnan, President of Global Students Nature foundation addressed the students and shared his practical knowledge on integrated farming. He emphasized its advantages for a sustainable way of life
- Students’ Exnora celebrated World Ozone day on 16.09.2022. In this regard, Pledge was taken by the faculty and students of our college to make pollution free environment. Faculty avoided using their vehicle in the campus to make the Pollution free campus
- Students’ Exnora of Seethalakshmi Ramaswami College and Department of Botany jointly organized extension program on 27.09.2022. Seed balls and plant saplings were distributed to the women self-help group of Ariyamangalam village for the sustainable development of the environment.
- Extension Programme was conducted at Public Union Primary School, Kambarasampettai Agraharam, Andhanallur Block, Srirangam Taluk, Tiruchirappalli District on 12 .04.2022 during “Illam Thaedi Kalvi
- Students’ Exnora of Seethalakshmi Ramaswami College organized a smokeless bogi for the Pollution free environment on 12.01.2022. Students rally was done. S. S. Vineshaa of III B.Sc., Botany gave an awareness speech on smokeless bogi
- On 05.06.2021 Students’ Exnora conducted Environment day Awareness programme on the title “Plant a tree – Instill hope for the future”. In this event, around hundred students were participated from various schools & colleges and students planted the tree saplings in their houses
- World ozone day was celebrated by Students’ Exnora on 16.09.2021. On this occasion power point presentation was done by Selvabharathi.C III B.Sc., on the topic “Ozone Layer Depletion” and Rishika.S II B.Sc., presented on the topic “Global warming”. This programme created awareness among the students
- Intercollegiate online quiz competition was held on 4.10.2021 to celebrate world habitat day on the theme of “Biodiversity conservation”. More than 20 students participated in this competition and online certificates were distributed to the participants
- Women’s awareness programme was conducted by Students’ Exnora, Department of Botany and PG Department of Biotechnology on 03.12.2021. Dr.S.Asha, Assistant professor of Tamil, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore – 641 108. She delivered on the topic “Penniyam”
- Students’ Exnora celebrated Science day on 08.03.2022. On this occasion power point presentation was delivered on the topic “Contributions of eminent Scientist’s in Botany”. Ms. Subashini.G III B.Sc., Ms. Vineesha S.S. II B.Sc., and Ms.Priyadharshini, K.S. I B.Sc., spoke about the Prof. Theophrastus, Dr. E. K. Janaki Ammal and Dr. Birbalsahini and their achievements
Dr. A. Mullai, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science
Dr. C. Thilagavathi, Assistant Professor, Department of Botany
Mrs. M. Lavanya, Assistant Professor, Department of Home Science