Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
The CBCS was introduced in Seethalakshmi Ramaswami College from the academic year 2003. It is an instructional package developed to suit the needs of students to keep pace with the developments in higher education and the quality assurance expected of it, in the light of liberalization and globalization in higher education.
Programme Duration
The UG programme is for a period of three years and PG programme is for two years. Each year consists of two semesters - Odd and Even semesters. Odd semester is from June to November and Even semester is from November to May. A semester has a minimum of 90 working days. The M.Phil. programme is for a period of one year (6 months for theory and 6 months dissertation).
Continous Internal Assessment (CIA)

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) Break-up
- 75% of attendance is required in each semester for a student to appear for the examination
- Students with 60% to 74% of attendance shall apply for condonation with the prescribed fee
- Students with 51% to 59% of attendance shall apply for condonation in the prescribed form with the prescribed fee along with the Medical Certificate (as per the University Regulations 2018-2019)
Criteria for passing
The UG students should obtain 40% in the CIA and 40% in the SE to earn a pass. The PG students should obtain 40% in the CIA and 40% in the SE and an aggregate of 50% to earn a pass.
Conferment of the Degree
A candidate shall be eligible for the conferment of the degree only after she has earned the minimum required credits for the programme prescribed. (U.G. -140, P.G. - 90 & M.Phil. - 24 credits)