The departments of Chemistry, Commerce, Economics, English, History, Mathematics, Physics and Zoology function as the nerve centres of research and development at Seethalakshmi Ramaswami College. As a policy the management of the college promotes research by encouraging its faculty and scholars to participate in core, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and collaborative research. The conducive research ambience and state-of- the- art infrastructure at the college, have immensely contributed to productive, scientific and socially relevant inventions and findings at Seethalakshmi Ramaswami College.
The faculty have 8 patents. 54 faculty members have won awards for innovation in research. The college has produced 32 Ph.Ds. The faculty have published their research findings in reputed international and national journals and conference proceedings, which enjoy a high citation index in Scopus and Web of Science. The faculty and research scholars have many collaborations, linkages and Memorandums of Understanding. 110 Minor projects have been granted from the UGC and 25 Major research projects have been sanctioned. 14 departments regularly publish books. The college has a research committee to monitor all research activities.
ChemistryDepartment of Chemistry was recognised for research programme in 1979. The department is DST-FIST sponsored and bestowed to have 86% of permanent faculty members with doctorate degree. With the able guidance of faculty members, 36 members have been awarded Ph.D degree in the past 3 decades. Our research laboratory is well-equipped with advanced instruments like, UV-Visible spectrophotometer, IR spectrometer, Atomic Absorption Spectrometer, Gouy balance and spectrofluorometer. The faculty members have completed 16 minor projects funded by UGC to an amount of 14,50,000/- in the past 17 years and received 2 major projects to an amount of Rs.9,81,000/- and Rs.21,78,000/- sanctioned by UGC and DST respectively. Dr.D.Kalaivani has generated two patents from her research work carried out in our laboratory. Dr. S. Santhi has been granted a patent in the academic year 2020-2021 for her research work on chemosensors. Most of the faculty members act as peer-reviewers in reputed journals. Dr. D. Kalaivani and Dr.S.Santhi presented their research findings in the international conference held in the university of Cambridge, UK (2010) and Athens, Greece (2017) respectively.
CommerceExtensive research work has been undertaken by the faculty in the areas of Human Resource Management, Banking, Insurance, Marketing and Women Empowerment to acquire knowledge in the current scenario and to disseminate the same to the benefit of the student community and society at large.
EconomicsResearch is the soul of higher education at present. It is the combination of creativity and systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge and the use of this knowledge to devise new applications for the development of the society. The department of Economics was elevated to a research department in the year 2011. The department focuses on research to help the society in general and to upgrade the analytical knowledge of the student community in particular.
Major project worth of Rs. 9 lakhs was completed by the principal investigator Dr. V. Revathy funded by University Grants Commission in 2013. Also thirteen minor projects were completed with the same funding agency. Faculty members have published articles in various national and international journals and act as Board of Studies members in Bharathidasan University and other colleges. Two text books were also published by our faculty members as course materials for the first year students. The department has libray facility with around 5500 books with 7 journals for the research activities.
EnglishThe PG and Research department of English was elevated to the status of a full-fledged research department in 1993.The department has been producing M. Phil. and Ph. D. research scholars, for nearly two decades. Faculty members have published papers in international forums and act as Board of Studies members in the parent university and other institutions. They are members in Doctoral Research Committees and have been external examiners for research. The department has a good number of Ph.D. degree holders who are actively engaged in publishing research articles in reputed journals.
The faculty members have been the principal investigators for two major research projects and ten minor research projects funded by University Grants Commission. The department extends consultancy services to many colleges, schools, teacher training institutions and industries. The department has a research library housing around 6000 books and has subscribed 6 research journals.
The department is very active in material production since 1990, catering to the needs of second language English learners. The faculty members prepare Course books, Extensive readers, Bridge Course books and supplementary materials for Part-II General English. A book for the Foundation Course is prepared. Course books for General English have also been prepared and published by the faculty members for the Vocational programmes and Community College courses.
The book titled English for Classroom Interaction authored by Dr. Usha Chandrasekaran, Associate Professor was prescribed by the Bharathidasan University as the course book for Part II English for affiliated colleges. The department has published a journal titled Interrogating the Self: the Postcolonial Prerogative in two volumes in collaboration with TJELLS in 2018. Quest an annual in-house research journal, a compilation of research papers of faculty member is published by the department.
Students are encouraged to take part in international, national and state level seminars, workshops and conferences and to publish their articles in referred journals. An in-house journal Litventure , a compilation of the creative writings of the students of the department is published every year.
The faculty members have offered special training for the first generation learners under the Pathway programme funded by the Ford Foundation. Training classes were conducted everyday for a span of three years. Workshops and seminars were conducted giving hands-on-training on Communication Skills, Soft Skills and Personality Development Skills for all the students under the Pathway programme hailing from the Southern states of India.
HistoryThe Department is specialized in Epigraphy, Temple Architecture, International Relations and Women Studies. Continuous research is carried in the field of Temple Architecture and Epigraphy. New findings are published in Newspapers, presented as articles, published as books. Co-opted with Dr. M. Rajamanikkanar Centre for Historical Research, the department has conducted a diploma course on Temple arts and Epigraphy. An introductory course on temple arts and epigraphy is offered. The department is associated with several public and religious organizations in documenting the local history through booklets
MathematicsThe department was elevated to PG & Research department in the year 2011. Since then many students are doing full time and part time research under the supervision of research advisors of the department. 13 students have completed Ph. D and 2 have submitted thesis to Bharathidasan University and 4 are pursuing their research.
PhysicsIn the year 1979, the department was recognized as a research centre. The department research is centered in the areas of Ultrasonics, Liquid State Physics, Crystallography, Thin films, Nanotechnology, Luminescence, Radiation Physics and Vibrational Spectroscopy and so far 24 Ph. D. scholars have been produced under the guidance of 11 research supervisors. The department received DST- FIST grant during 2006 to 2011 under the department category and between 2014 and 2019 was awarded funds again under the college category. The department has spearheaded research publications from 1980 and has a credit of having published around 200 research publications. Nine UGC minor projects and three UGC major projects have been completed.
ZoologyThe department of Zoology was recognised for research programme in 2013. The faculty members have received grants of more than Rs. 27 lakhs from University Grants Commission (UGC) under Major and Minor project scheme. Under STAR College Scheme, an amount of Rs.9 lakhs has been sanctioned by Department of Biotechnology (DBT). Besides, the department has been approved a grant from UGC, New Delhi for offering Sericulture Course, thus enhancing the research infrastructure. The department has also received funds from DST-Government of India under the FIST programme. Besides, many extramural funds were also received by the department to conduct seminars, conferences and workshops from Organization for Industrial, Spiritual and Cultural Advancement (OISCA), Japan, IASc, INSA, NASc, Tamil Nadu Forest Plantation Corporation Limited (TAFCORN), and Silk Mark Organization of India (SMOI). Dr. M. Jayanthi and Dr. A. S. Maheswari presented their research findings in the international forums. Dr. M. Jayanthi was awarded a research grant from Austrian Government for her Post-doctoral research and Dr. M. Isai, received a fund from Swiss federal Confederation to carryout her Post-doctoral research at the University of Bern, Switzerland. They also act as peer-reviewers in reputed journals. All the faculty members are with doctoral degree in diverse specalizations and they are involved in inculcating scientific culture among students, besides imparting knowledge. The department has well-equipped laboratories and a well organised and maintained museum to support the students for enriching their knowledge. The department has research laboratory where students can enroll for Ph.D., degree programme. Different facets of activities were also undertaken by the department in the name of Save Green Club in collaboration with OISCA International Japan.