There are 36 well resourced laboratories in the college.
- PG & Research Department of Physics has 6 labs - UG, Allied and PG lab. Research labs are ultrasonic and liquid state physics lab, Crystal growth and Characterization lab and Thin film & Nano Science lab.
- PG & Research Department of Chemistry has eight laboratories and two instrument rooms.
UG labs -2 ( Physical lab & Organic lab)
PG labs - 3 ( Inorganic lab, Organic lab & Physical lab)
Allied lab - 1
Research labs - 2
Instrument rooms - 2
- Department of Botany has 2 labs - General Lab and Microbiology & Physiology
- Department of Bio- Chemistry has 3 labs - UG Bio Chemistry, PG Bio Chemistry and PG Microbiology lab
- Department of Zoology has 3 labs - Allied, Physiology and Microbiology lab.
- Department of Home Science has 5 labs - Food Science & Nutrition Laboratory, Microbiology Laboratory, Bio Chemistry Laboratory, Textiles and Clothing Laboratory And Physiology
- Department of Nutrition and Dietetics has 2 labs - Food Science Lab and Bio Chemistry Lab
- Department of Electronics has 2 labs - UG and PG Lab.
- Department of Bio-Technology has 4 labs - Recombinant DNA Lab, Microbiology Lab, Bio Chemistry Lab and Plant Tissue Culture Lab