The SRC alumnae committee functions effectively to strengthen the ties between the institution and its alumnae. It brings the SRCians under one roof and helps them stay connected with their alma mater. This forum helps them to rejuvenate themselves and also enables them to work in various capacities for the development of the student community and also to promote a spirit of unity among the alumnae of SRC. It plays an important role in shaping the future of the current students and keep the learners updated in various fields of study.The committee extends its support to the institution to achieve its goal and to make the strong bond between the alumnae community and the institution, aiming at bringing together like-minded SRCians.
Every year Alumnae meetings are conducted and the visit of our renowned alumnae are a great source of inspiration and support to the college. During these meetings many of the alumnae share their memories with their faculty members and friends. They enjoy the day and recollect their memories by visiting their classrooms. They share their experiences they face after leaving the institution and discuss the secret of their success with the students which become one of the motivating factors to them.
Alumnae Contributions
- Our alumnae serve as subject experts in the board of studies of various departments.
- The alumnae of our college are invited as resources persons, subject experts to address in conferences and seminars.
- Feedback on curriculum is collected from alumnae and their suggestions are incorporated during syllabus revision
- Alumnae’s representation is ensured in the meetings of Board of Studies.
- The alumnae are invited as experts in orientation programmes, placement training, workshops and endowment lectures.
- Our Alumnae serve as members of Doctoral Research Committee
- They act as External Examiners for PG, M.Phil. & Ph.D. viva-voce examinations
- They contribute towards students welfare by donating books, sponsoring students’ education and contributing for scholarship.
- The alumnae from corporate and private sectors support in our students’ placement initiatives.
Few of our distinguished alumini are
- Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman - Honorable Minister, Minister of Finance, Govt of India
- Dr.Girija Vaidyanathan IAS - Former Chief Secretary to Govt. of Tamil Nadu
- Smt. Subbulakshmi Jegadeesan - Ex Minister ,Textile, Handloom & Small Scale Industries Tamil Nadu
- Dr.S.Vimala – Supreme Court Judge
- Dr.K.Meena – Former Vice Chanceller, Bharathidasan University
- Dr.B.S.Santhi – Joint Director of collegiate Education
- Dr.M.M.SenthamizhSelvi – Joint Director of collegiate Education
- Dr.J.Manjula – Director of collegiate Education
- Smt. A.Siva Priya – District Revenue Officer, Kanyakumari
- Dr.S.Santhi – Principal, Queen Mary’s College
- Smt. Swarna Natarajan – Life Style & Nutrition Consultant, Canada
A glimpse of Alumnae Meet organised in the academic year 2024-2025
Committee Members
- Dr.S.K. Sukhuna, Associate Professor, Department of Commerce
- Ms.G.Saraswathi, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry
- Dr.U. Aishwarya, Assistant Professor, Department of English
- Ms.S.Gayathri,Lecturer Department of Commerce (SF)
- Ms.U.Padmini,Lecturer, Department of Computer Science (SF)
Contact details
e-mail id: alumnae@srcollege.edu.in
Dr.S.K. Sukhuna,
Associate Professor,
Department of Commerce