India is a banquet of different languages and dialects. Language has a big impact on the daily lives of members of any race, creed and region of the world. Language helps us to express our feelings, desire and queries to the world around us. Hindi has a direct line of evolution to Sanskrit. It is the fourth most spoken language in the world. Hindi written in the Devanagari Script is one of the official languages of the Union Government of India and has been playing a great role as a link language of our linguistically diverse country. PART I Hindi is offered at the UG level. The students are encouraged to learn the language. The syllabus focuses on the development of language skill, literary appreciation and communication aspects of language. Various books and journals received every year from the Ministry of Human Resource Development, New Delhi, enrich the knowledge of students.
- To develop the national language and to unify people
- To enable the students to handle the language easily
- To inculcate values through language learning
- To train students in spoken Hindi to develop their communicative skills
- To focus on the functional aspects of the language
- To introduce moral and value-based stories from the Epic literatures
Course offered
Part I Hindi |
Course Structure
Part I - 2021 | Part I - 2024 |
Research Projects | Books Published |
Minor projects – 3 | 3 |
Journals - 10
- The course enjoys a high demand ratio
- Students secure 100 percent result consecutively
- Students are encouraged to take up Certificate, Diploma & Advanced Diploma Courses in Hindi
- Competitions are conducted to bring out the talents to boost the morale of the students
- Spoken Hindi classes are conducted
- The faculty member has completed minor research projects
- The faculty member has been on International academic visit
- The faculty member prepares e-learning materials for language teaching